Massie Trails Day Use
Individual: $10
Family with unlimited children under 19: $20
Methods of Payment:
1. At the Ski Trail: There is a day use payment box at both entrances of the Massie Ski Trails. All skiers in a party must read the posted waiver and sign and date the envelopes provided. Insert the fee in the envelope and insert it into the payment box.
2. Before you arrive: E-transfer the day fee to Complete the Waiver below (one for each participant). Or download and print out this waiver, sign and date it, then either drop it in the box, or scan and email to it to the same address.
Release of Liability and Assumption of Risk Agreement
As a condition of the use of Owen Sound Cross Country Ski Club (OSCCSC) trails, the trail user(s) assume(s) all risk of personal injury, death or property loss from any cause whatsoever including, but not limited to, the inherent risks of skiing including collision with natural or manmade objects or other skiers, or travel within or beyond the ski area boundaries. The trail user(s) agree that the OSCCSC, its volunteers and agents shall not be liable for any personal injury, death, or property loss and release the OSCCSC, its employees, volunteers, or agents and wave all claims with respect thereto.
Please submit this form once for each participant.